Exam's out holiday's in babyyyyy!
After 3 days of sufferring :O Finally last paper just finished today XD
I just don't wanna tell how was my life doing during exam, totally miserable.
Past is past let's talk about what's happening next :D
Finally can play volleyball :) Ahhh i miss training. Tmorrow is the dayy muahahhaa xD
As for today, after reached home from school, I followed dad went out for awhile.
Oh yeah he's not working now. He took 3 days off. You know why? He got into a hospital few days ago. 1 night spent time at hospital lucky my mom accompanied him for the night.
However, he got into hospital due to high cholesterol i think -.- or something about asthma. Yes! Asthma! He had to do a conology process if im not mistaken -.- I dont remember what's the name of the process. But the process is to check my dad's heart if there's any blockage in my dad's heart. using a TUBE! yuksss. Luckily, my dad got zero blockage. Thank god. If my dad had a blockage, unfortunately he would have to go through an operation. Lucky no blockage.
So that is why he's at home for the past 3 days geezz -.- HAHA. So yeah. That's the story.
Back to previous story -.- my dad and i went out had lunch and went to get a haircut. Both of us -.- I planned to just trim my hair by shorten it a bit. But the lady misunderstood i suppose and she cut my hair SHORTT. Shorter than what i expected!!! I wanted to said 'not too short' but she already cut my hair i guess it is TOO LATE. I know i should have said it earlier. I mean if I knew lahh she'll cut that short -.- It looks ugly at first but once she was done my hair looks just fine. But shorter than i wanted it to be pfftt. But oh well it's okay. It'll grow back anyway no worries :)
After i got home, i grabbed my mom's laptop and locked myself up in the room and cam-whoring, hahhahaha so gedik xp and used variety of effects XD Here's the results:

Yeah that's my new haircut. Not so bad la aite? Anyways, im out of here. FB time :P
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