Last night was well planned to go for cheer practice this morning. But turned out they were having practice at shah alam sec 19. I couldnt come as i have no transport.
So yeah today is pretty much bored day for me. As i was saying in the last post i'll be doing my homeworks, study and stuff today but heck none of them i didn't do. Why? Because i'm not in my best mood to do it, feel like going out instead. But dont know with who. I called sya to save my day but she was tired after taking driving test earlier so i let her rest.
So here i am, keep on and off my laptop while eating chocolate cadbury trying to make myself fatter and wondering what to do besides online. So yeah i got fucked up because of suffering from boredom.
God, I wish i have a guitar.
I shall buy one *saving money right now*
You know what, i'm kindda in love with Grenade acoustic song. To me, acoustic is way better than the original one. Not to say it is way better but it sounds more cool in acoustic. I keep on repeating that song hundreds of time already, i mean for TODAY. yeahhh
As you guys know, tmrrow is 14th of Feb. And it is VALENTINE'S DAY. Is it just me or is it going to be just another fucking boring day? I'm glad for those who are in relationship. I bet a lots of them gonna get flowers from their boyfie. How sweet.

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