Pheww it has been awhile since i last blogged. It's been pretty busy days these past few days for me. Practising cheer for a cheer comp early next month under Rebels All-Star.
Date: 12 & 19 Dec
Venue: Sungei Wang
I've watched Harry Potter on Friday recently. It was a nice story. But that one is only Part 1. There will be Part 2 next year :p
As for today, my family and i went to my cousin's wedding. In Perak. Slim River to be exact. Haishh. It's hard to get coverage there -___- Didn't take pictures much. I ate twice this afternoon. I ate lunch, that's one, and another one is around 5 i guess. Gaahh. And planning to eat dinner but did not cz don't feel like eating. Plus it's the same food that mom brought from the wedding.
I don't get enough sleep too :( i'm so tired. Feel like wanna take a break and sleep for a WHOLE DAY! I watched badminton today with dad n sis. Malaysia vs Indonesia. Malaysia almost win but at the end Indon beat them. Haihh. So close d :/ Practise more yea Malaysia! MALAYSIA BOLEH! xDD
Other than 'watching badminton', my sister and i edit our pictures using 'Sketch Your Photo'. It's an application from fb. They edit your pictures using variety of effects but all of them are sketches. Pretty nice though. You guys should try it out :D Naahh here's the link. My sis even uploaded it on fb. Well so did i x) Weee. She even set her 'new' pic that has been edited as her profile pic. Haha!
Okay these are pictures that i took recently when i was out. Location: IKEA, Sya's house (last few week's pictures HAHA just uploaded it) and My house. And a picture of me from "Sketch Your Photo'.

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