Having cough, running nose, flu and sore throat! Arghh this is not good at all :( Really hate this.
Ahhh i miss my bubu very much :( No calls or message. His name still haven't turned up on my phone. Haihh sad. I feel lonely. And i'm scared too. Or maybe i'm just too emo-ing? Hmmm seriously no clue.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Can't wait
CNY is only few days away. So i wanna wish CNY to all chinese ppl. Have a blast okay! As for me, me and my fmily are going vacation. Oh gosshh really can't wait. After all the searching of hotels and most of them are fully booked then we finally found a hotel is quite cheap and seems comfortable. And it is a Tioman Island. Yes we've never been there before so yeah it's our first time :) When my dad was making reservation only 4 rooms left. We're so lucky :D We will be going on Thursday and will be back on Saturday. 2 nights.
Anyways, there are no good movies in cinema right now. BORING. Damn :( Most of the movies are chinese movies. Isshhh :/
Other than that, my ex bf is trying to get back with me. AGAIN. He said he regret for all the things he has done to me. He asked me for ONE LAST CHANCE. I gave him more than 1 chance before even more than 2 chances! I gave him so many chances to fix things right but he kept repeating the same thing again. He screwed up. I realized me and him are never gonna work out.
Long distance relationship is tough. I really can't trust him anymore as he hurt me so many times and at that moment also i kept giving him chances. He didn't appreciate what i gave to him. But all the things had happened between me and him was 1 year ago not recently la. I mean please! He said he still has feelings for me? Don't you ever think getting back to me eventho I forgave u for wht u did.
However, i told him i'm in relationship now. Me and my bf are happy tghther and asked him to respect our relationship. He says okay but he'll still wait for me. I cant forget what he has done to me. He never knew what i felt at that moment as I was suffering. I don't want to repeat the same mistake again. Enough is enough.
Monday, January 24, 2011
It is sad when you want to tell or share something with people but you're unable to do so because of certain reasons that people can't know about. I have to be patient. I am making my best effort to deal with it but it just so hard and no one knows how it feels. Feels like giving up but I keep telling myself DON'T
Saturday, January 22, 2011
It was paid off
Wow, it has been awhile since I updated my last post. And sorry because i don't have the time to update my blog or go online. Really miss blogging :S I have been busy with school projects, works and etc. It's like so many things going on right now. Okay let see what i've been working on this week:
Afternoon went to school for volleyball training. Went back and do some homeworks.
Went out with a friend to buy some stuff, that afternoon went school for awhile.
Afternoon went to group discussion at Li Li's house with priyankka to do our presentation thingy and since we got so mny things to do example like we have to do our own notes sej from 7 pages of sej textbook (I KNOW RIGHT!!!!) yeah so Li Li decided to asked me and priyankka to stayed over at her house for 1 night. So i went home just to get my stuff then back to Li Li's. So me, Li Li and priyankka stayed up the whole night. Okayy not really the whole night la ahah. Li Li's mom bought Mcd for supper. We stayed up until 2.45am doing all the homeworks (all subject got homeworks I KNOW RIGHT!!!) We decided to stop soon after that because it was quite late d since we were doing works from evening, non-stop :O
We woke up around 7.15 just to go out went jogging and get some fresh air. Haha. Well it's not wrong to release our stress by going jogging right? :p Pheww it was tiring but we felt releaved cz we get to release some stress and pressure though.
We had breakfast and rest for awhile before took bath and sang few songs with Li Li playing piano. Haha. OMG Li Li's dog is soooo cuteeeeeee. I mean err or damn. I felt like touching him but can't :( He's a smart smart smart dog i've ever met in my whole life! Good boy oreo! (the dog's name :p)
After took bath we continued doing works and stopped for lunch. Melissa came and had lunch with us too because we asked her to come since her house is only nearby :D (our classmate too) and we did sej hw. We catched a movie too. Despicable Me! I've watched it before. I just wanna watch it again because it's so cuteeeee :p Then Li Li ordered Dominos that afternoon. I eat too much that day.
Yeah i know. After all the jogging, we ordered Dominos some more. It's like we burnt our fats and end up adding more fats again agaggaga. HAHA. We walked Mel home. And stopped by at the park to took some pictures of us together. We had a great time :)
Soon after that, Priyankka headed home too. So me and Li Li went back and webcaming while waiting for my sis to fetch me. It was funny because we used a lot of effects! haha. Yeah it was fun. But the pictures arent with me. Li Li have it. She'll upload soon on fb. And i'll post the picture yeah :)
Went to damansara, teman a friend of mine there. And hangout at Ali Cafe and had lunch there damn the food there so nice yummyy. That afternoon headed to school for volleyball.
And as for today, school was having merentas desa, and yeah i got num 73 for under 18 girls. Arghh i know i suck :( i was so slow! Because i didn't take my dinner the night before because mom didnt cook :( sad. So i didnt have the energy to run, and felt like fainted but i didnt thank god. I reached school safely :p haha. I shall aim for top 20 next year! SENIOR YEAR! oh i will! As for the penyampaian hadiah, it was so chaos! All the students were so damn fucking noisy. There i said it. They just can't shut their mouth even for 1 sec! Seriously. The penyampaian hadiah started quite late. So had to wait. I slept for while. Haha! even it was noisy yeah that is how tired i am okay. Geezz. Later afta that, we dismissed around 11.45 i think. afta reached home my sister pulak ajak me teman her to go to KL. So i only get to rest for 1 hour. So TECHNICALLY i haven't really rest since got home from merentas desa.
Got back home. Online untill now. Now is like 1.30 in the morning. Arghhh yeah i need to rest, i should go. And tmrrow having friendly match volleyball at Subang some more yayy. Till then~
Sunday, January 16, 2011
It makes me go lalala

The laptop is a Hp brand. Same as my sister's. He already has a laptop but that one is for work while the one he just bought is for his new work now, Business Online which he's gonna do it with mom. So my mom is part of it too. And the laptop is theirs. Lucky her haha :p
As for me, i bought new school bag and a headphone :p We spent quality times playing bowling too. As usual, dad got 1st place while me in 3rd place out of 4. Haha. We dropped by at A&W for light meals before went home. I just love their Root beer float D:
Uhuh, tomrrow school. Like errhh i'm damn lazy to go. Got sej some more! Yeah i know, i sound miserable. Well I AM
p/s I miss my boyfriend so much :( I feel like he's far away from meeeeeeeeeeeeee arghhh
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Shit happens
Argue argue argue again. Like seriously i hate it. Arguing about stupid stuff and maybe yes we carry it way too seriously, to small prob become BIG now. This isn't right. Maybe i am the one who need to change.
It's not healthy for our relationship if me and him keep doing the same thing over and over again. Sick of this stupid argument! Why is it so hard?! I really have no idea what to do now. Yes maybe you are right, i don't know how to take care ppl's feelings :( Hate myself right now seriously not kidding. So fucked up right now as i dunno what to do to fix it and make things better. It's just sad.
Maybe we need some time apart.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Thnks for the lecture eventho i wasn't listening
School getting boring day by day. Because teacher didn't come to our class. I mean we don't really study these past few days. Been busy managing the textbooks. Like erh seriously we don't study biology at all. We even haven't started YET. But it's okayy. Mr.Suresh will start teaching us soon. Next week i think? o.O
My class and 4 sastera 1 went to PMD in dewan tertutup today. PMD is a Program Maju Diri. The lecturing was about your careers in the future and have to know further bout them. Sounds boring? Well it is. It was dead boring. I was dying inside there for 2 hours. So did Priyankka, tiara and my other classmates. We got bored till we had a little chit chat on a paper that so-called 'MSN paper' (Priyankka named it XD) whereas we were just sitting next to each other.Yup we such as me, Priyankka, and Tiara. Yes we were THAT desperate. Huh. Damn. We have to go through the PMD every year. But last year was better and much fun than this year's.
I didn't attend latihan merentas desa today at school as i went out somewhere else. Haha. Will be going next week though. Sigh* it must be tiring. Wish i don't have to join it but it's a must. Hishh.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Oh my
Heyyy there! :)
I just got back from my granma's house in Sg.Buloh.
I can say that today is pretty bored day cz didn't do anythng much at home.
Just helping my dad shopped some groceries this morning.
Do homeworks too in the evening :O
Ytd did some too but didn't finish it up as i was very sleepy last night
Went online for awhile just to update my Baking Life pffttt :p
The clock is ticking, and kindda late d now is like 1.19am
and here i am still awake surfing the net wasting my time here HAHA
My whole family are still awake too. Yes bad example i know -.- aha
Tomorrow is Monday already. The day that we usually have to listen principle's lecture.
Yupp, imagine how boring that is? Even I can sleep. Well never do that before
Shall try once :D Prefects won't notice hahahha
And yeah, guess what? Tomorrow all the students in my class has to bring our textbooks to schoool back which we just got them last Thursday. FEW DAYS AGO! dah la all the textbooks are damn heavy weh! And tomorrow we all have to carry those books to school AGAIN! just because our stupid mistakes. Yeah as i mentioned 'our mistake'. There are some problems actually. Till we made our class teacher angry of us. He was very mad as some of us took some extra books home and others didn't get theirs. So kaboom! just because of that we have to bring all the textbooks and re-count the books cz probably some of us accidentally took some extra books and now others don't have enough textbooks. Sigh -.-"
It's gonnahhh be tiring. Arrggghh
I want to sleep now ppl, wish i dont go to school tmrrow :p
Okayy, that's all chiaoo :/
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Beginning of 2011
Hello peeps, it has been few days since i last blogged. Well i'm just lazy to update my blog every-single-day. I have a life too okayy :p Well let's start with 1st day of school shall we.
First day was okay i think -.- A bit boring to be exact pfftt. I got into 4 science 3. Priyankka and Li Li are in my class too, thank god :) So the next day we got a form and got to choose what class we want to change into. Well y i wanted to change to sub-science class and take accounts. But most of my friends said account is quite hard so i changed my mind. I didn't shift to other classes took biology subject instead.
My class teacher is Mr.Suresh. Err he's can be weird sometimes. No joke :p Making weird voices everytime no one respond to what he says psshh haha. Few days later, Reena, Mellissa, Alya, Maira shift to my class. Weee :D Friendly ppl got into my class yay haha. At least i have friends that i know in my class. Lucky i'm not one of those ppl who doesn't have friends in class D: Pity them.
We already have homeworks on the first day of school. I mean gosh! seriously! Most of my teachers said "Don't think form 4 year is a honeymoon year aahh!" Every teacher said the same thing. Yeah it's true. Form 4 is the basic for SPM and what we're gonna learn in this year have to carry it to next year. Geezz man. Just hope i'll do well.
Alright enough with school. Getting headache d haha pfftt :D
2 days ago went out to OU with Effie and Sya. Didn't do anything much. Went to arcade. Hahahhaha. It was fun though! I mean very. It was quite empty cz weekdays maa where got ppl come to the mall. We had fun xD
And as for today, ermm supposed to attend co-curriculum meeting this morning at school. Didn't go though as i was very very lazy to wake up and none of my family wanted to send me early in the morning. Well didn't ask them first pun haha :p
I think i'm not joining any Badan Beruniform cz i lost the registration form. So i do not know what to do or how. I can't just simply give my name to guru penasihat right? Have to give the registration form too which i don't have it with me. Left it somewhere when i was registering my Permainan :p Well i can say that i am currently not in any Badan Beruniform, even if i do i'm not really gonna attend those activites. I'm just not into it. SORRY xD
Finally i have new noticeboard in my room! It's a wooden notice board not a white board btw. Got it from IKEA last year. I mean 1 months ago xD
I guess this year is not gonna be easy as i thought it would be. Not gonna be a honeymoon year which i thought it will be x( Well dream on baby. I really gotta work hard this year :( Yes dila feel it now! Plus, i'm in science stream some more. Science is not easy. Really gotta find a tuition. Couldn't study by myself which it's not gonna happen. It's not easy as PMR so yeah, f*ck that. Argghhh.
I changed my layout btw if you haven't noticed :D I know it looks childish, butttt who cares! It is colourful as u can see xD Others are not really pretty or interesting to look at, so i pick this one la. Hmphh well i will change again soon when i found the right ones yeah.
Now i wanna go off d. Got some homeworks to do. Bleehhh. Gudnite fellows. Peace yaw
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